Company Profile

Company Profile

Company nameJapan Association for Cellular Agriculture (JACA)
Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Ginza Ohtake Residence 2F
Date of establishment 2022/12/22
Member of the Board Representative Director :Megumi Avigail Yoshitomi
Director         :Akira Igata
Auditor          :Kou Matsumoto

Company History

2019A preparation meeting was held to kick off JACA.
JACA was firstly established under the Center for Rule-making strategies, Tama University as a voluntary organization.
2020Official kick-off of JACA
・The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries established a Food-tech Public-Private Council. One of the eight core working teams of the council is focused on the cellular agriculture field. JACA is the administrative office of the Cellular Agriculture Working Team
2022/11The recommendation was Submitted to MAFF (Agriculture), MHLW (Food & Medicine), Consumer Affairs Agency, METI (Economy), MEXT (Education and Academia), Digital Agency (Digitalization), MOE (Environment), and Cabinet Office (Food Safety Commission, Deregulation team etc.).
An overview of the recommendation document was featured on NHK TV news and broadcast nationwide, garnering attention from the industry.
2022/12JACA became independent and established a legal entity.