Umami Bioworks

Company Name / 企業名

Umami Bioworks

Location / 所在地


Website / 企業ウェブサイト


Q1. Please tell us why you have entered or are considering entering cellular agriculture industry/ 細胞農業に参入された、もしくは参入検討されている理由を教えてください。

This paves way for innovative technologies development and enhance the field of cultivated meat and seafood. With oceans at risk, cell-based seafood provides a unique opportunity to transform the sustainability landscape. Cultivated seafood companies are not just creating a product designed to mimic the sensory and nutritional profiles of meat, but are instead creating genuine meat made of animal cells. Umami Bioworks is one such company that is working to ensure that alternative seafood maximally benefits the health of our oceans through cultivated seafood. The company is cultivating a sustainable seafood future by producing delicious, nutritious, affordable cultivated Unagi that is better for our health, our oceans, and our future. Umami Bioworks’ cultivated, not-caught Unagi offers equivalent nutrition to traditional Unagi and provides a delicious culinary experience that is free from heavy metals, antibiotics, and microplastics.

Q2. In which areas your company/institution is working on cellular agriculture. For example: Basic research, cell culture process, food raw material development for cell culture, culture tanks, safety assessment, etc. /貴社/貴機関の細胞農業取り組み領域をおしえてください。

Umami Bioworks has evolved from supplying inputs to developing an ‘operating system’ for cultivated seafood that enables traditional seafood producers and food manufacturers to craft cultivated fish at scale under their owned, local brands.

Q3. Please tell us about any examples of initiatives you can introduce./ ご紹介可能な取り組み事例を教えてください。

The initiatives we are looking to introduce FuturFish which is a seafood Innovation and Sustainability Hub led by UMAMI. It will be the world’s first industry-led center for sustainable seafood innovation.

Q4. What do you hope to achieve for Cellular Agriculture?/ 細胞農業によって何を実現されたいですか? もしくは何を期待されますか?

For cellular Agriculture, we as a company hope to achieve a having products which are nutritionally equivalent to conventional seafood products. Following which we would like to gain the confidence of the regulators to get our products to market and most importantly, have consumer acceptance for these novel food being produced.

Q5. Please feel free to write any other messages you would like to add./ その他、発信されたいメッセージなど自由にご記入ください。

We hope to see regulators work on having a framework for cultivated meat/seafood so that it would benefit companies to penetrate the market. We would be happy to work with the regulators to address any concerns they would have regarding the industry and the products.