
GFI and JACA signed an MoU for further development of the cultivated food sector in Japan

The Good Food Institute (GFI) and the Japan Association for Cellular Agriculture (JACA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for further collaboration to advance the field of cultivated food in Japan

Good Food Institute (GFI) and Japan Association for Cellular Agriculture (JACA) agreed to build cooperation by signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the collaboration to advance the field of cultivated food and alternative proteins in Japan and beyond.

JACA and GFI share a close and mutually beneficial relationship.

As GFI expands, one model under consideration in some countries is a partnership with organizations already operating in-market, such as JACA. This enables GFI to combine efforts, having a greater overall impact.

In cooperation with domestic and international organizations, JACA aims to deliver information about the progress in Japan to the rest of the world, so that JACA can contribute to building an international consensus on how the cellular agriculture field should be deployed and expanded into society. Our collaboration supports JACA in accessing the global network of the industry.

Collaborative activities include

  • GFI to connect JACA to relevant international stakeholders, including industrial players, government, and media, where feasible and to mention JACA in the press and in reports, whenever fitting in discussing the Japanese market
  • JACA to provide feedback on GFI Japan plans – could include material to translate, media/communications-related questions, recruitment, and more
  • Collaborate on country-to-country regulatory coordination in APAC & beyond
  • Collaborate on the development of a risk communications strategy/plan for Japan as needed

For more information, please contact admin@jaca.jp