
Good Food Institute(GFI APAC)より無料ウェビナーのお知らせ〜代替タンパク質開発におけるAI技術の活用方法〜Upcoming GFI APAC FREE webinars on the utilization of AI for Alternative Protein Development How can you leverage AI in alt protein innovations?

GFI APACの6月開催無料WEB講座

JACAの参画企業であるGood Food Institute(GFI APAC)より、代替タンパク質開発におけるAI技術の活用方法に関する2つの無料ウェビナーを開催のお知らせです。





Upcoming GFI APAC FREE webinars on the utilization of AI for Alternative Protein Development
How can you leverage AI in alt protein innovations? Join GFI APAC for a two-part webinar to discover the answers to this question!

Part 1 will feature Darren Gardiner and Dr Xavier Sirault (MAgEng, MSc, PhD) from @CSIRO, who will cover how AI is speeding up the translation of bench-top research to pilot scale and reducing off-flavours in plant-based foods, leveraging extensive dataset analyses and predictive models for flavour enhancement
Register for the session on 3 June, 10am SGT ➡️ https://zoom.us/webinar/register/9017153039699/WN_9dxfkXRKRf6EBvuEyop7hg

Part 2 will feature Dr. Reza Sadeghi from @Dassault Systèmes, who will speak about AI’s role in precision agriculture, which can optimise resource usage and further reduce the environmental footprint of alt proteins.
Register for the session on 18 June, 10am SGT ➡️ https://zoom.us/webinar/register/5717153044352/WN_k4cE2VzSQrKg4msLE1k3iQ


開催後、GFI APACのYouTubeチャネルに録画が掲載されます。https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC1LYRjwc4xpYERnMWCTDdAA/videos